High Schoolers vs. Robots!!!!
at !!Con 2014
Bending the Laws of Physics! Or, How Wi-Fi Keeps Getting Faster.
at !!Con 2015
Music! Programming! Arduino! (Or: Building Electronic Musical Interfaces to Create Awesome)
Don't know about you, but I'm feeling like SHA-2!: Checksumming with Taylor Swift
From text to textiles!
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Search Index!!
I made a cell phone! (DON'T TELL THE FCC KTHX!)
Lightpainting with Robots! And JavaScript!
The Burrows-Wheeler Transform: Better Compression with a Reversible Sort!!
Recovering data from an SD card — the hard way!
Great Caching Disasters (and how to avoid them)!
Spinning metal platters in the cloud!
Showing 9613 to 9624 of 9989 results